50 Clarendon Road tower - 24 storey increase rejected

10 Oct 2022

Cllr Aga Dychton spoke out against the plan especially the effect on the Estcourt Conservation Area and other councillors on the Development Management Committee agreed with her. Residents will recall that Aga had led the previous objections to the earlier plans.

The plans were refused for the following reasons:

  1. Loss of office floor space which would be significantly harmful to the employment and growth in a prime office employment area.
  2. The height and scale would create harm to the setting of the Conservation Area. Due to its layout, height and massing being unduly dominant and incongruous in the street scene, context, wider views and as seen in the outlook from neighbouring dwellings.
  3. The proposed development would fail to provide high quality residential accommodation with poor privacy and outlook of some dwellings, the majority of dwellings having no private amenity space.