Pollarding Trees around the Cassiobury Estate

A major exercise in tree pollarding around the Cassiobury Estate is beginning to draw to a close for this year. With Spring gathering pace, trees coming into leaf and birds looking for places to roost, the work will soon have to come to a halt.
Pollarding work has now been carried out to the Plane trees north of Cassiobury roundabout, some of the large Lime trees on Cassiobury Drive between The Gardens and Stratford Way, Woodland Drive and Parkside Drive, and the Hornbeams on Stratford Way. Five large Lime Trees on Cassiobury Drive remain to be trimmed. These are scheduled to be done over the coming weekend, between 20th and 24th April.
This work has been undertaken in response to many requests we have received from residents whose houses have been adversely affected by heavy leaf drop, sticky residues falling onto driveways and cars, and clashes between branches and telephone lines. We hope that further work can be carried out next year, subject to funding being available.