Lib Dems welcome Warner Bros expansion
Liberal Democrats have welcomed the expansion of Warner Bros studios, which will boost the UK film and TV industry and bring thousands of jobs to our area.
Liberal Democrats have welcomed the expansion of Warner Bros studios, which will boost the UK film and TV industry and bring thousands of jobs to our area.
The Liberal Democrats have called for a new legal right for cancer patients to start treatment within 62 days of an urgent referral, as part of a plan to boost survival rates and improve treatment for those affected by the disease.
One week on from a High Court decision, Elected Mayor of Watford Peter Taylor has written to the Department for Transport calling for a national scrappage scheme.
Following a motion on crime passed at full council, Lib Dem elected Mayor of Watford Peter Taylor has written to the Home Secretary
Liberal Democrat Mayor Peter Taylor has written to Secretary of State for Transport to oppose plans to close ticket offices across England.
Elected Mayor of Watford Peter Taylor and Cllr Tim Williams, the cabinet member for Neighbourhood Services have written to the Canals and River Trust following reports that the trust will be removing bins on canals and rivers.