No child will go hungry under Lib Dem plan for free school meals
No child will go hungry under Lib Dem plan for free school meals for more than 18,0000 primary school children in Hertfordshire
No child will go hungry under Lib Dem plan for free school meals for more than 18,0000 primary school children in Hertfordshire
On Saturday 15th June from 12 to 5pm there will be a Watford Pride picnic at Watford Heath. This will be led by LGBTQ+ people and FREE for everyone. Come along for an afternoon of fun.
One step closer to step free access in Lib Dem campaign victory Cllr Ian Stotesbury, Mayor Peter Taylor and local Councillors are excited to announce that funding has been awarded for a feasibility study and step free access improvements
This week local residents will vote to decide who should represent them on Watford Council.
Watford Mayor, Peter Taylor, has presented a local family with a special community award for raising money for the Watford Foodbank.
Following a meeting between Watford Mayor Peter Taylor and Liberal Democrat councillors, Ian Stotesbury and Kennedy Rodrigues, rail bosses have promised more capacity on train services between Watford and London Euston.